I’ve spoken at events all around the world and made guest appearances on different podcasts.

One of my favorite ways to share my ideas is live on stage, where there’s so much more communication bandwidth than there is in writing, and I love podcast interviews because they give me the opportunity to answer questions instead of just present my opinions.


Building gRPC Microservices Effectively in Go

Bit Summit, June 2024

Challenges of orchestrating multiple services, ensuring strong contracts, and managing network communication can be overwhelming. This is where gRPC stands out.

Building gRPC Microservices Effectively in Go

Gophercon Europe - Winter Edition, February 2024

Challenges of orchestrating multiple services, ensuring strong contracts, and managing network communication can be overwhelming. This is where gRPC stands out.


Migrating from PHP to Go

Go Time - Episode #316, May 2024

Sharing my experience migrating from PHP to Go from both Curve and Cloudflare.

gRPC in Go

go podcast() - Episode #30, March 2024

Talking about gRPC in Go. If you're building systems with lots of micro-services, gRPC is a good way to provide strong contracts between your services and improve communications.